Friday, July 6, 2007

30 years on

It has been 30 years since I spent that first summer working in North Truro on Cape Cod.I never had a summer like it and never will again.There were several more summers in North Truro to follow but I was not prepared for what the Cape did to one.If you fell under the spell like I did the whole world consisted from the Truro Line to the tip of Provincetown.Sun,drink,drugs,girls who did not know you unlike your home town.It was all so much that by mid August that first summer my brain was fried and I had to go home to recover. Well Tanned into late Sept but with a hell of a lot less brain cells.One of the first episodes I had came just after I left the campground job but was still living in the room between the men's and ladies room my brother and I had.He was still working there.One of the guys we worked with Bruce was a summer resident whose parents had a house on the bay side of Truro.I went down there one afternoon with him in my Vega wagon for"a few beers" His parents wern't down but his younger sister who was I think 15 at the time was there.Blond with long legs she was a young goddess who as the beers went down became even more of a beauty.She thought my flirtations funny and Bruce always one to egg one on did just that.Soon I found myself driving my Vega up and down the dunes outside their cottage while screaming out the music to Bonanza.I would go tearing across the dunes come back have another beer and then drive off again.At this point the rest of the story was told to me the next day.I left Bruces and somehow drove the six or so miles up rt6 to North Truro around 5 in the afternoon.I pulled into the house on pond rd.where Jimmy Manning who I was now working at Babes Rest with was hanging out.He said I came screaming up ,the Vega making a loud noise and said"Let's go swimming!!"He did not realise how gone I was till he got in the car.We went flying down Pond Rd. up through the hilltop parking and down the sand road right onto the beach where Jimmy said I parked the car stripped down to nothing and went charging off into the water.This was around 5:30 and he said a few families were still on the beach.Luckily no one called the police about the naked drunk guy laughing in the water.Then he said I went to the car opened the back tailgate and passed out.Jimmy drove me back to the campground and they rolled me out.Next morning I wake up at 6:30 to go to work and stumbling out the door into the early morning quiet I find no car.I'm wondering where the hell my wagon is and my brother was in Boston so I start walking the 3/4 mile to Babes.I have a huge fuckin hangover and as I walk by the gas station in North Truro center there are two police cars filling up.It looks like they are pointing at me and laughing and at this point I see dried blood on my pants.I'm thinking great I wrecked my car someplace and these guys know it and are toying with me.I turn the corner to walk up that freakin hill on 6a to Babes and that is the morning it became known to us as Puke Hill.I chowed twice going up it and stumble into the kitchen at Babes where Jimmy and Tom are laughing at me and the owners Claudia and Pierre are amused that I actually showed up the way I look.I made it through work and Jimmy filled me in.Turns out he took the car back to his sisters house after dropping me off and the loud noise was the catylitic converter dragging on the ground as I had knocked it loose in the dunes.

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