Sunday, April 22, 2007

Clambake Time

After getting an email today about"The Shroud" the next few posts should be about The Clambake.From its beginnings in sophomore year , my first one at Doug's Junior year the senior year at Kennas house where the Legend of the Clambake began to grow with the thrashing of our first bar and then the Clambakes of all time ,The Thirstys Five and The Ultimate bake"The 76 bake at Quigs place.After that the bakes moved on to the park and like an aging metal band became more bloated year after year with Dougs hourlong drunken rambling rants.Then the bakes where all kinds of strange folks showed up like Dougs Butcher Friends who thought Dice Clay was Funny.Finally the beginning of The Anti Bake where wives and children were invited to todays mellow bake.Along the way there are some great stories to tell.The schroom bake,Eddie treat as the Master Baker the year Wildman and I were in Thirstys after I moved to Calif and we informed Tommy Doggett it was Clambake Day and he begged us to just stay out of Thirstys afterwards.Roscoe's loss of The Sacred Shroud ,Spikes songbook of Clambake songs.Wildman's"Ghosts of Clambakes Past" song.The Bake became to big for its own good but the stories it spawned are Pittsford Legend.

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