Sunday, March 18, 2007

Speaking of Powder Mills park has any one noticed that the place is now like a ghost town? You have to have a freakin permit to do anything there.The road to Shady Rest is closed for good it appears which means the Townies would never be able to play with their hippie toys on that big lawn while they smoked townie weed.We would never have been able to park up in the trees smokin a doob or made those great fires in the fall with Old Mr. Boston Blackberry Brandy as a warm up against the chill the firewood masking the dope smell when we went home to our parents."The Woods are full of wardens" nowdays

1 comment:

cowboy said...

The lovely day's of the parkrat. Just hang out, smoke weed, chase girls. T bad we don't have anything like that these days....The best we can do is look forward to our days in the nursing home, eating pills and changing our diapers....